Organic versus synthetic farming

Excerpt from the book “The Healing Power of Cancer” by Rob Prior

In the good old days, agriculture operated on natural, sustainable farming practices, resulting in nutritionally dense food. The mid-twentieth century saw the rise of agrochemical companies, driven by profit and the misguided belief that technology rules supreme. Agricultural companies introduced practices that resulted in the denaturing of agricultural produce. The consequence to human health has been dire.

Organic farming strives for sustainability, enhancement of soil fertility, nutritional density and biological diversity. It involves the use of natural fertilisers such as manure and bone meal, and places emphasis on crop rotation, mixed cropping, companion planting and eco-friendly pest control. Organic produce has all of the trace elements the body needs.

In contrast, modern synthetic farming employs chemical fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, nematocides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), nanomaterials, plant growth regulators, hormones and antibiotics.

Many lawsuits have been launched against the use of glyphosates, a toxic pesticide. They are disruptors of the endocrine system, gut-wall barrier, blood-brain barrier and placenta barrier. They cause many health issues, including cancer, immune dysfunction, oxidative stress, adverse effects on reproduction and child development, as well as kidney, liver and eye damage. Glyphosates have been banned in many countries across the world.

There’s another profound difference between synthetic and organic farming. By treating the land with respect and adopting ethical and sustainable agricultural practices, organic farmers put more care into their crops, resulting in a higher vibrational energy. The ultimate expression of this attitude towards Mother Nature can be found in biodynamic farming. The result is palpable.

Which would you prefer? Food that is unadulterated, the way it has been for thousands of years, or food that is chemically altered, the ramifications of which are still not fully understood?


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