How healing hormones assisted my cancer recovery

This week, I’d like to share with you how I tapped into the amazing healing power of my subconscious mind to cure myself of cancer in 2013. Here’s an excerpt from my book “The Healing Power of Cancer”, Chapter 8, The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection.

I was heavily influenced by the 2005 book “The Biology of Belief - Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles” by American developmental biologist Dr Bruce Lipton (born 1944).

From 1987 to 1992, while teaching at Stanford, Lipton’s research into stem cells led to a fascination with ‘Epigenetic Control’, meaning ‘control above the genes’. Rather than our genes controlling our lives, Lipton believes we can change our genes by changing our subconscious beliefs. He makes the radical proposition, “The moment you change your perception is the moment you re-write the chemistry of your body”.

Lipton explains how our mind contributes to illness or wellness:

1. Our childhood experiences shape our worldview. Our worldview is our perception of ourselves, others and life in general.

2. Based on our perceptions, our brain controls the composition of our blood. For example, in fight or flight mode, stress hormones (such as cortisol, adrenaline and epinephrine) are released into our blood. Alternatively, when we are joyful, healing hormones (such as dopamine, oxytocin, vasopressin, serotonin and human growth hormone) are released.

3. Each hormone has profound significance for cancer patients. Dopamine makes you feel motivated, disciplined and focused. Oxytocin, the ‘hug drug’ makes you feel calm and trusting. Vasopressin makes your blood vessels dilate, which promotes glowing skin. Serotonin promotes sleep, decreases aggression, is generally associated with happiness, and increases optimism. Human growth hormone (HGH) gives you more energy during the day and better sleep at night. HGH is the ‘anti-ageing’ hormone that repairs damaged tissues, including your skin. Conversely, an excess of stress hormones is harmful to cancer patients.

4. The hormones in our blood give instructions to our cells. Our cells receive these instructions via the cilia (hairlike structures) on the cell membranes.

5. These instructions modify our genes, which determine the health of our cells.

6. Healthy cells promote cancer recovery.

7. Since cancer recovery depends on healthy emotions, we need to clear past emotional traumas through healing modalities. Thus, Lipton propounds that changing a negative belief (for example, by releasing traumas) changes your genes and hence your state of health. He hypothesised that our gene expressions can even change from day to day.

This explains why meditation, psychotherapy, affirmations, visualisation and mindfulness made a huge contribution to my recovery.


My latest book “The Healing Power of Cancer” and a free sample pdf are available here.

Because a positive emotional state is vital for cancer recovery, I recommend my first book “Say Hello To Happiness (The Healing Mindset)”. A free sample pdf is available here.

If you or a loved one need support with naturopathic cancer healing, I’d be delighted to help. You can reach me here.

Wishing you health, healing and happiness.

Cancer conqueror
Holistic healing coach


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